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R' Berel Wein

411 Classes

Rabbi Berel Wein is an American-born Orthodox rabbi, lecturer and writer. He authored several books concerning Jewish history and popularized the subject through more than 1,000 audio tapes, newspaper articles and international lectures. Rabbi Wein also established The Destiny Foundation, a marketing forum for his CDs, audio tapes and books as well as drama and documentary film projects. He is presently a senior faculty member of Ohr Somayach Yeshiva in Jerusalem, where he lectures to the mostly English-speaking student body. He also lectures extensively in Israel and abroad, and writes a regular weekly column for the Jerusalem Post since 1999.

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R' Berel WeinParashat Vayechi: Meritocracy
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R' Berel WeinParashat Mikeitz: Recognition
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R' Berel WeinParashat Vayetzei: Dreams
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R' Berel WeinParashat Vayeira: Moral Code
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R' Berel WeinParashat Vayeira: Prophecy
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R' Berel WeinParashat Lech Lecha: Challenges!