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Dr. Henry Abramson

104 Classes
Dr. Henry Abramson serves as Dean of the mighty Avenue J campus of Touro College. A native of northern Ontario, Canada, he earned his PhD in from the University of Toronto for a dissertation on the Jews of Ukraine, and has held post-doctoral and visiting appointments at Harvard, Oxford, Cornell, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His Torah education at the tertiary level was conducted at Yeshivat Ohr Somayach in Toronto, Monsey and Jerusalem, where he studied under Rabbi Uziel Milevsky z"l, Rabbi Mendel Weinbach z"l, and Rabbi Nachman Bulman z"l. He is the author of seven books on Jewish history and thought, most recently Torah from the Years of Wrath: The Historical Context of the Aish Kodesh, and is the only person ever to have been published by both Harvard University and Feldheim publishers. His research has been recognized with research grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and he is a recipient of the Excellence in the Academy Award from the National Education Association. His personal website is
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Chanukah Rebellion: Did the Jews Really Win?
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Dr. Henry AbramsonAuthenticity and Authority in the Internet Era
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Jews of Avignon, France
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Dr. Henry AbramsonNew Excavations under the Carpentras Synagogue
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Dr. Henry AbramsonExploring the Interior of the Carpentras Synagogue
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Dr. Henry AbramsonJewish History in Arles, France
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Dr. Henry AbramsonCrash Course in Jewish History 1. Ancient Israel
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Dr. Henry AbramsonWhat is the Talmud? History of the Talmud pt. 1
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Sages of Provence (Jews of the Rhone, Pt. IV)
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Dr. Henry AbramsonJudaea Capta: The First Roman-Jewish War
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Nasi of Narbonne (Jews of the Rhone pt. 3)
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Dr. Henry AbramsonWho Was Primo Levi? The Jews of Italy pt. X
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Mystery of the Birds' Head Haggadah
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Dr. Henry AbramsonThe Ancona Affair (Jews of Italy pt. 6)
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Dr. Henry AbramsonBechoros 2 Jewish History in Daf Yomi