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Today's learning is as Refuah Sheleima for שמואל זאב בן חיה בילה

Rabbi Elazar Meisels
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R' Elazar Meisels

663 Classes

A talmid of Yeshivas Telshe, Mir Yerushalayim, Beis Medrash Govoha, and the Lakewood Kollel, Detroit. Rabbi Elazar Meisels is the Dean of Sara Schenirer Institute of Higher Education in New York, founding director of The Lidrosh Institute for Torah Education in Michigan, and formerly a senior mentor advisor for Partners in Torah. His Torah lectures on a wide variety of subjects continue to enthuse and motivate thousands to deepen their understanding of Torah and develop a closer relationship with their precious heritage.

Rabbi Meisels welcomes your comments and questions which may be emailed to

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