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R' Maimon Elbaz

3,095 Classes

Rabbi Maimon Elbaz is a renown educator. His sought after talks are highly entertaining. He founded the slideshow series, Torah Shows in 1998. Rabbi Elbaz is a devoted mechanech, who uses amusing and innovative ways to educate and inspire, children and adults. Rabbi Elbaz travels nationwide to elevate men, women and children with his witty and spectacular Torah Shows. You can visit his website: to see more info. Rabbi Elbaz authored the bestseller: Torahific!, a wonderful collection of Torah Questions & Riddles on Tanach. Families and educators around the world keep this book on their table to fascinate their loved ones. You can reach him by e-mail at: [email protected]. Host a lively Torah Show for your school, shul or family event, by contacting Rabbi Elbaz directly: 347-967-9138. The new Living Mishnah Series presents Mishnayot with charm and clarity using cartoons and real-life images to brings the Torah to life! TorahAnytime, gets the credit for engaging Jews with Torah everywhere!

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R' Maimon ElbazIntro to Tefilah