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R' Ari Bensoussan

1,639 Classes

Rabbi Ari Bensoussan is a Talmud of Mir Jerusalem and Lakewood BMG. A Musmach of the Jerusalem Rabbinate and Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz shlita. He has been teaching students from all over the world for 12 years. He co-founded Yeshivat Ruach Chaim in Jerusalem and was a Senior Lecturer in the Derech program at Yeshiva Ohr Samayach in Jerusalem. Rabbi Ari enjoys a very close relationship with his many students and constantly reflects on his own learning done in the Jerusalem Kollel under Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz where Rabbi Ari received semicha from the Jerusalem Rabbinate. Recently , Rabbi BenSoussan moved with his wife and 4 boys to L.A. where he is heading a new branch of Chazak International, a community outreach initiative. Rabbi Bensoussan can be reached by email at

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R' Ari BensoussanVayimaen (וימאן) - Way Beyond a Mikvah