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R' Dov Tepler

616 Classes

Rabbi Dov Tepler learned in the Philadelphia Yeshiva, and then went on to learn and receive Semicha in Beth Medrash Govoha. He is currently a Rosh Chabura in BMG, and has been giving popular Shiurim on Chumash and Halacha for many years. He also serves as a Rav in the Beis Ho'raah of Harav Shmuel Meir Katz Shlita in Lakewood, as well as in the Beis Ho'raah of Harav Binyomin Forst Shlita in the Five towns and Far Rockaway.  Anyone who would like to join the Whats app chat for this shiur should please email: To get in touch with Rabbi Dov Tepler, please email:

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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 50a 272.1-272.3 Grape juice and sweet wine
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 49b 271.15-271.17 If the cup spills...
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R' Dov TeplerBHP Daily Halacha - Tying Schach with Zip Ties
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 44a 268.6-268.10 Vayichulu and Magen Avot
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 40b 265.4-266.1 Adding water to the Neirot on Friday
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 40a 265.3-265.4 Moving Neirot- The Neirot on the Amud
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 39b 264.7-265.3 Bittul Kli M'heichano
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R' Dov TeplerMB3: 263.13-263.16 If you were Mekabel Shabbos by mistake