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R' Chaim Veshnefsky

274 Classes

Rabbi Chaim Veshnefsky, a musmach of Beis Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, was born and raised in Philadelphia. He was educated in the Yeshivos of Staten Island and Brisk (Rav Dovid Soloveitchik), and continued on to study in Bais Medrash Govoha for 12 years. He has been lecturing and teaching for over 30 years.

His love for teaching led him to develop and pursue numerous educational initiatives, including the Jewish Learning Center of Monmouth County, a widely-used Jewish History curriculum which gained international renown, and ongoing shiurim on a wide array of subjects in Tanach, halacha, hashkafa and gemara. He served as Rov of the Manalapan, NJ community for close to 25 years. 

He is currently the director of Yesodei Hadas, through which he lectures internationally about emunah and hashkafa issues to frum teenagers, parents and mechanchim. 

Rabbi Veshnefsky’s signature speaking style, blending passion and wit with clarity and humor, has won the hearts and minds of thousands worldwide. 

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